Junior High Youth Group/Confirmation Preparation

The Junior High Youth Group is designed for 7th and 8th grade students to help prepare them to Celebrate Confirmation in the Fall of 9th grade.

The 7th grade program consists of monthly meetings on Sundays at 4:00 pm, attendance at the Sunday 5:30 Mass, and keeping a Journal of Gospel reflections and Service Projects. 

The 8th grade program consists of monthly meetings (not on the same Sunday as the 7th grade) on Sundays at 4:00 PM, attendance at the Sunday 5:30 PM Mass, keeping a Journal of Gospel Reflections, and Service Projects.

The program for 9th graders desiring Confirmation is:

1) Attendance at 6 monthly preparation sessions held on Wednesday evenings in June, July, August, September, October and November.

2) Submitting all necessary documentation materials (Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist certificates) 

3) Completion of a Service Project.that benefits St. Anselm Parish

4) A meeting of parents and the confirmand with a member of the Pastoral Staff regarding Stewardship.

5) Attendance at 1 session of our High School Youth Group (meetings are on Sundays after the 5:30 PM Sunday Mass.
