Vegetable Garden Latest Harvest

Our vegetable garden is producing nicely, and this past week we donated 150 pounds of fresh produce to Lunch Break. Here is a photo of the harvest from Saturday, August 31. Our yearly total is nearing 2,000 pounds. If you would like to be part of this rewarding ministry, we work in the garden on Tuesday and Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m. We could use a few more hands to harvest and plant fall crops. If you are an inexperienced gardener, our farm manager and master gardeners are there to guide you.

Here are few photos of the latest harvest from our vegetable garden: 106 pounds of tomatoes, cucumbers, Swiss chard, beets, string beans, and peppers.  All of our harvests are donated directly to Lunch Break in Red Bank.  This growing season, we have donated 837.5 lbs of fresh organic produce to them.  And, there are many more harvests to come. If you're interested in helping us grow and donate food for the needy, stop by the garden on Tuesday or Saturday mornings at 9:30 am.


