Sad News from our friends in Point Pleasant

We just got an urgent email from Bishop O'Connell informing us of the arrest of Father Nilo Apura, the pastor of St. Martha parish in Point Pleasant.  There has been a credible accusation of sexual abuse of a minor, so the prosecutor from Mercer County had issued an arrest warrant.  As per diocesan policy, the Diocese is cooperating completely with the County prosecutor's office.

Father Nilo has been suspended from all of his priestly duties by Bishop O'Connell, and a new administrator for St. Martha parish has been named.  

The sin of sexual abuse of children is both a crime and a shame for the Church.  Let's pray that the parishioners of Saint Martha parish will be given the grace to be able to deal with this terrible news.  Until there is a definitive ruling made in this case, lets pray that the victims, their families, the parishioners of St. Martha's and all who may have been hurt by this situation may find some measure of healing.

If you, or any member of your families, have been abused by a priest, or any representative of the Catholic Church, please know that there are resources out there to help and assist you.  In our diocese, if you have been abused, please call our Diocesan Victim's Assistance Coordinator at 609 406 7400.